
2024 Review and another Family Dance

As we welcome the New Year, we want to extend our warmest wishes to our wonderful community. Your continued support means the world to us. We appreciate your outstanding contributions and are excited to keep serving you in the year ahead.


As befits the beginning of the New Year for Wandandian Progress Association, here is a rundown of our activities for 2024:

  • Our monthly Community Breakfast and Home Harvest Swap continues to be well attended with a core group of attendees sharing friendship and garden goodies every month. We hope to see many more people, especially young families, join us in 2025.
  • Our major fundraiser for the year, the Community Expo and Woodchop competition which was held in October was a huge success, despite the extra expenses of DAs and obtaining permits to stage the event. Wandandian Hall is owned freehold by Wandandian Progress Association, not Shoalhaven Council, so fundraising is required to pay for its maintenance. The money raised from the Expo will be used for this purpose and to suppport Community Events when possible.
  • A fun family dance in May was well attended and it was fabulous to see some new faces.
  • Hall hire continues to provide a reliable income stream. The hall is used regularly by Grand Pacific Health, Society for Creative Anachronism (mediaeval re-enactment group), Amthetyst Park Stompers dance group and casual bookings which have included exercise classes, professionals and amateur band practice, political group meeting, a funeral, 80th and children’s parties, indigenous group workshops and a Christmas party. Hall hire fees also contribute to the upkeep of the hall and surrounds.

Wandandian Prgogress Association will be holding another Family Dance on 22nd February 2025 but this time it will be a ‘Pay as you Enter’ and ‘bring our own drinks and a plate of food to share for supper’ event. As dinner will not be included this time the entry fee has been reduced.

Flyer for the Family Dance night on 22nd February 2025

Wandandian Expo 2024 a great success!

Yet another successful Wandandian Expo was held on Sunday 20th October. The community was treated to a fabulous Woodchop competition, a great Car Show and terrific market stalls and emergency displays from our Wandandian RFS brigade, St Georges Basin SES, Sussex Inlet Marine Rescue and Sussex Inlet Red Cross.

What a great day for our community.

Check our the Photo Gallery for images from the day.

Photo of the Sawing Handicap

Wandandian Expo 2024



The Annual Wandandian Community Expo/ Woodchop

(including the Classic Car/Motor Bike show)

will be held


15 October from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

at Wandandian Progress Association Hall

D2683 Princes Hwy, Wandandian, 2540

Wandandian Woodchop competitiors Car Show Entrant




If you would be able to assist with the set-up for the event, please come along at 1:00 pm on Saturday 14th for an hour or so.

We are also seeking donations for the Raffle; if you can donate, please let Ross Earby know asap on 0414 189 633 so that he can make up some signage for the event. All raffle donations can be dropped off at the grounds on Saturday between1:00 pm and 2:00pm. Donations of baked goodies which can be sold from the Hall Cafe  are also being sought. They can also be dropped off Saturday between 1:00 pm and 2:00pm or left in the kitchen any time Sunday morning.

It should be an enjoyable day so we hope to see you there!

September BBQ Brekky and Home Harvest swap

Following the success, last month, of our first BBQ Brekky and the resumption of the Home Harvest Swap, we will be holding another one this Sunday, 25th September.
If you missed out last month, why not come along this time and join us for a yarn and swap your goodies with someone else.
Wee look forward to seeing you there!

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