Rural Fire Brigade


Wandandian Rural Fire Brigade is an active brigade and new members are always welcome.

The regular monthly meeting is held at the Fire Shed on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30pm.

CAPTAIN: Brian Edwards 0488 752 489

Fire permits are required if you wish to burn off during the Bush Fire Danger Period. The Rural Fire Service provides information regarding fire permits on their website. Please note that even though you may have a permit you are required to heed current Bush Fire Danger warnings, as well as to inform your neighbours and the RFS Nowra, Phone (02) 4424 4424, 24 hours before you plan to do so.

Also please be aware that Fire Permits for the Wandandian area are issued by volunteers from the Wandandian Brigade who fulfill this role in addition to their work and family commitments. Please be patient and recognise that they have to inspect your proposed burn before they issue the permit and will do so as soon as is practicable. Currently, Wandandian Brigade has only 3 Permit Issuing Officers so their workload is considerable.

Looking through hall kitchen window at fire

Currowan Fire Jan 2020 photos