Annual Woodchop Competition

Wandandian Woodchop Competition

We need your help!

Wandy Progress is seeking Donations of Home Made Sweet Treats or Scones to be put up for sale at the café in the hall during the Community Expo and Woodchop on Sunday 16th October…only a few days away.

Are you able to donate either a batch of home cooked scones (for Devonshire teas), a slice, or other sweet treats to be sold out of the hall kitchen? Items can be delivered to the hall kitchen as early as possible on the day of the Woodchop on Sunday 16 October.

Donations of suitable items to be added to the main raffle (a wheelbarrow full of goodies) are also being sought.

Suggestions for items to be donated include alcohol, plants, canned food, non-perishable snacks, toys, gift vouchers, tools or whatever takes your fancy as long as it’s legal! All donations will be gratefully accepted. Tickets are mainly sold out of the hall and the raffle prizes will be displayed on the stage. Please contact our or call 0408 249 546 if you are able to help.


As a result of the ongoing restrictions from COVID-19, the 2020 Annual Woodchop Competition has been cancelled. As the Woodchop is the major fundraiser for the Association, the decision to do so was not taken lightly, however in the interests of the health of the community and the Association’s volunteers it was deemed necessary.
